
About FSI

Flooring Solutions of Nevada, Inc. (FSI) is a family owned and operated organization focused on Quality and Safety. FSI has been serving Nevada for over 20 years, providing exclusive Specialty Products* and Services including Gym Equipment, Metal/Wood Lockers, Basketball Hoops, Bleachers/Fixed Seating and Custom Scoreboards. FSI is the leading provider of Commercial, Wood, Carpet, Resilient, and Sports Flooring for the entire state of Nevada.

Company Data

Year Established:                    2001

State of Incorporation:        Nevada

Office Location:                       Las Vegas

Geographic Coverage:         Nevada

Minority Business:                 Women Owned

Nevada Contractor’s Licenses:

• C16 #52766

• C20 #55710

• C26CB #67009

• C3B #72063

• C10 #74635


Business Licences:

• Nevada State: NV20011243865

• Clark County, NV: 2002961-240

• Washoe County, NV: W000448A-LIC

• Reno, NV: R122807A

• Sparks, NV: S071221A-LIC